Script de validation XML avec vérification XSD
Comment valider vos fichiers XML liés à un XSD sous Linux
- Cygwin x64
Détail du processus:
- Pour chaque fichier dans le répertoire XML
- Parse et valide le fichier
- Le programme produit un fichier error.log si une erreur est détectée
- Vous pouvez également ajouter un paramètre « no_xsd » pour uniquement vérifier si vos fichiers sont « well-formed »
############################################################################################ # Helper for XML validation (ERS V3) or Well-formed # # How to run the program: # Just drag into Cygwin this script, add param [no_xsd] (to test only well-formed XML) # # Author: # David REGNIER # Arguments: # no_xsd (if we want to check only well-formed), no argument is needed for XSD validation # Returns: # 0 No error # 3 Error ############################################################################################# # Init variables NOW=$( date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) # Set current date DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) # Set current working directory INPUT_XML_FOLDER="$DIR/XML" INPUT_XSD_ROOT_FILE="$DIR/XSD/V3/ers-operations-3.xsd" LOG_FOLDER="$DIR/Log" FILES_NB=$(ls -1 $INPUT_XML_FOLDER/ | wc -l) # Count files by folder # Starting echo "$NOW Starting program..." i=0 rm -f "$LOG_FOLDER/stats.log" # Delete log file if exist rm -f "$LOG_FOLDER/error.log" # Delete log file if exist # Testing folder if find $INPUT_XML_FOLDER -maxdepth 0 -empty | read v; then echo -n "$NOW ERROR, no XML files found in $INPUT_XML_FOLDER, please advise!" exit 3 else # Begin process echo "$NOW Found $FILES_NB XML file(s) in folder" if [[ $1 == "no_xsd" ]]; then echo $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "Processing Well-formed process" for FILES in `ls $INPUT_XML_FOLDER` do xmllint --noout $INPUT_XML_FOLDER/$FILES 2>> "$LOG_FOLDER/stats.log" let i++ echo -n $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "Processing file: [$FILES] $i/$FILES_NB " $'\r' done else echo $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "Processing Validates with XSD process" for FILES in `ls $INPUT_XML_FOLDER` do xmllint --noout --schema $INPUT_XSD_ROOT_FILE $INPUT_XML_FOLDER/$FILES 2>> "$LOG_FOLDER/stats.log" let i++ echo -n $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "Processing file: [$FILES] $i/$FILES_NB " $'\r' done fi; echo '' # Clear console line # Delete validates line and redirect to error.log cat "$LOG_FOLDER/stats.log" | sed '/validates/d' >> "$LOG_FOLDER/error.log" rm -f "$LOG_FOLDER/stats.log" # Delete log file if exist # Check if error, advise user if [[ -s "$LOG_FOLDER/error.log" ]]; then echo -n $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "ERROR, failed to validate XML, please check the log file $LOG_FOLDER/error.log" else rm -f "$LOG_FOLDER/error.log" # Delete log file if exist echo -n $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "SUCCESS, all file(s) has been validated" exit 0 fi; fi
Voici le fichier de démonstration en exemple: